I have used PUB HTML5 to create my digital page flip book and I have embedded video, audio, image, etc. into it. Now I'm thinking about customizing banner on PUB HTML5 digital publication platform. Is it possible for me to do this by using PUB HTML5?
How can I get the invoice of my order after I choose a plan and complete the order?
I have forgotten my password of my PUB HTML5 account. Is there any way for me to reset my password to login PUB HTML5 online digital platform?
It is awesome to create online flip book digital version by PUB HTML5 digital publishing platform. I would like to know if I could view the text version of online magazine digital edition also?
I want to upload a new logo for my online digital page flip book. However, I don't know how I can do it. Is there any way which enables me to do it with ease in minutes?
I have used PUB HTML5 for several weeks. But before I just simple import PDF and output flipbook. Now I want to change the page order of my catalog. Is it possible for me to do that?
I have created my PDF a week ago. However, I find that I have one page repeated. How can I delete it? And how can I convert it into flipbook?
PUB HTML5 is the most powerful and feature-packed HTML5 digital flipbook maker. You are able to create interactive and attractive digital flipbook easily in just a few minutes by using PUB HTML5. Also, you may customize your page flip book by designing the relevant settings in your own style. Here I'm going to introduce some simple steps of following the users. The steps can be listed as below:
There are several folders under my account. And now I have no idea to delete one of them. And please tell me how to modify folder setting of online digital publication.
I created an account on PUB HTML5. And I uploaded several PDF files to online publication either. And now I wonder if I can add about information in my homepage on PUB HTML5 platform?
I love your bookcase to show my digital publication online. It will be better if I can embed the wonderful bookcase to my web page. It is possible to make it work?
I want to upload PDFs to HTML5 digital flipbooks with a faster speed. However, I don't know how to do it. Is there any way for me to quick upload PDFs to HTML5 digital flipbooks?
I uploaded multiple online publications to PUB HTML5 with different style. And there is only one folder for me. Then I would like to know can I create a new folder for my flipbook? If it can, show me how.
I found multiple wonderful digital publications from other authors. And I follow them. Now my question is where to manage my follows on PUB HTML5?
I want to use PUB HTML5. Do I need to create an account and login before I start to create my HTML5 flipbook? If yes, then how should I do it?
I want to insert a new page in my flipbook. But I can not add it in my original PDF document. Is there any easy way for you to insert a new page into my flipbook?
I love the online conversion of PUB HTML5. Anyway, I browsed several wonderful digital publications and I would like to keep it and read in future. Then show me how to add it to my favorite.
After I publish the flipbooks to your Cloud Host, how can I know how my publications perform? Where can I get visit info of the publications?
I have many digital books to publish and they are of different genres. So can I display them in different bookcases?
My boss wants me to add advertising banner to the digital flipbook. But I am in trouble finding the suitable software to assist in my task? I wonder whether I can rely on PUB HTML5.
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