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questions about desktop version

PubHTML5 > Q & A > desktop version

Sometimes I am so busy with my tasks. And I do not have the enough time to finish the designing of my flipbook. So there comes the question whether I can save project file of edited digital publication flip books as project?

I have so many PDF documents to settle. But I do not want to convert one by one. Is there any simple way for me to create online flipping book?

When I enter the Animation Editor, I find there is a time line at the bottom of the interface. I wonder what role the time line plays and how to customize it.

I happen to see your website in Google. I have scanned your introductions of PUB HTML5.But I am still curious about your new actions –advanced event. Could you tell me in details?

It is said that PUB HTML5 enable users to add actions for the inserted objects of digital brochures. Is it true? What kind of actions I can add to my inserted objects?

As you know, the common magazine can not keep pace with the modern digital world. I am going to create digital online magazine with animation text. Can PUB HTML5 help me achieve my aim?

I know that PUB HTML5 can help me create HTML5 eBook which can be viewed easily on the web. But at the same time, I want to print some pages. Can I create print area by myself?

I want to know whether I can create an interactive flipbook with soft background music. And if I want to insert different audio to each page, how can I achieve this setting?

I have used PUB HTML5 for several weeks. But before I just simple import PDF and output flipbook. Now I want to change the page order of my catalog. Is it possible for me to do that?

I have created my PDF a week ago. However, I find that I have one page repeated. How can I delete it? And how can I convert it into flipbook?

I want to insert a new page in my flipbook. But I can not add it in my original PDF document. Is there any easy way for you to insert a new page into my flipbook?

My boss wants me to add advertising banner to the digital flipbook. But I am in trouble finding the suitable software to assist in my task? I wonder whether I can rely on PUB HTML5.

I saw your introduction about publishing to local. And now I would like to upload my digital publication to my website FTP server. Would you please show me how?

I have a Joomla site and I want to display my digital flip book on my Joomla site, can your software allow me to publish the book as a Joomla module so I can install it into the site?

I want to present my readers with a fresh and unique experience while the book is being loaded. How can I customize the loading settings of the online flip book?