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Question & Answer

Q & A for PubHTML5 page flipping book maker

It seems your digital publication can be embedded into webpage. Then can it embed into Wordpress website as plugin? Please tell me the detail steps if it can be published as Wordpress plugin.

I don't want to output my digital magazine as HTML file. Is there any other way for me to output my digital magazine, like EXE format or Burn to CD?

I want to publish ZIP format for my page turning digital publication. However, I don't know how to do it. Can I do it by using PUB HTML5?

I would like to publish my page flip e-publication as HTML. However, I don't know how to do it by using PUB HTML5. Would you please help me by giving me some simple steps?

I saw your introduction about publishing to local. And now I would like to upload my digital publication to my website FTP server. Would you please show me how?

Once I publish my flipbook to PUB HTML5 Cloud, what can I do with it? Can I modify settings?

I don't have a website, is it possible for me to publish the digital flipbook online? And if yes, then how?

Once I publish a Joomla module by using your HTML5 digital publishing software, how can I install this flipbook module to my Joomla website?

I have a Joomla site and I want to display my digital flip book on my Joomla site, can your software allow me to publish the book as a Joomla module so I can install it into the site?

If I go to your website and publish HTML5 flip books to PUB HTML5 Cloud by using the "Quick Upload" method, can I then embed my online flipbook to my own website?

I have a PDF shopping catalog to publishing online, and I want it to look more like an e-Commerce catalog, so I wonder how I can add e-Commerce icons to the catalog, e.g., buy now button, price and discount.

If I uploaded some of my favorite books as HTML5 digital brochure online via the PUB MTML5 digital publishing platform, and there is one book among them that I don’t want the others to read it. Is it possible to disable it and how?

My friend told me that your PUB HTML5 can create fascinating digital brochures. My company is going to publish a series of product brochures. But I have a strange ideas that whether I can combine Google adSense with digital flipbook or not.

I want to embed video with entrance and exit animation into my digital flip publication. However, I don't know how I can do this by using PUB HTML5. Can you help me?

I have embedded sound on my HTML5 page flip book and I want to adjust the start time of the embedded sound. However, I don't know how to do it by using PUB HTML5. Can you give me some advice?

I know that PUB HTML5 can create wonderful modern digital publications. But because we want to know more about our readers and to improve ourselves, I am specially wish to have a software to create online books and track users’ behavior. Can PUB HTML5 help me?

I just created a digital magazine with PUB HTML5. And now I want to know can I share my page flip publication via email directly?

I want to customize animation of the inserted images for my digital flipbook. However, I don't know how I can do it and I'm wondering whether I can manage it with the help of PUB HTML5 page turning software.

Your digital catalog demo really leaves me a deep impression. Then can I create a similar digital catalog especially the hot spot button with PUB HTML5? Is it complicated?

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