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questions about publish online

PubHTML5 > Q & A > publish online

I created an account on PUB HTML5. And I uploaded several PDF files to online publication either. And now I wonder if I can add about information in my homepage on PUB HTML5 platform?

After I publish the flipbooks to your Cloud Host, how can I know how my publications perform? Where can I get visit info of the publications?

Once I publish my flipbook to PUB HTML5 Cloud, what can I do with it? Can I modify settings?

I don't have a website, is it possible for me to publish the digital flipbook online? And if yes, then how?

If I go to your website and publish HTML5 flip books to PUB HTML5 Cloud by using the "Quick Upload" method, can I then embed my online flipbook to my own website?

After I publish my digital publication, what should I do to make it display on my website?