How can I get the invoice of my order after I choose a plan and complete the order?
PUB HTML5 records every transaction and reveals all these transaction details to the user. Once you login with your account, you can check all the rental history. Besides, you can edit the invoice title and even print out the invoice of each order. And below I will show you how to submit the invoice title and how to print the invoice.
Go to PUB HTML5 website and click "Sign in" at the top navigation bar and then input your account and password to login. If you don't have an account yet, you can create a new one.
Open Billing
After you login, you will be directed to your Homepage as below shows.
In the left managing panel, click Billing to open the Billing page.
Submit Invoice Title
Click "Invoice Setting" tab and you can edit the invoice title of your orders. And then click "Done" to save your invoice title.
Check Invoice
Click "Billing Cycle" tab and select an order to check your invoice.
Click an item under Invoice No column and you will see below.
You can even print out the invoice with custom settings.
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