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Quesion & Answer

Aswers to PubHTML5 page flipping book maker
PubHTML5 > Q & A > Customize folder settings of online digital publication?

Customize folder settings of online digital publication?

Q: There are several folders under my account. And now I have no idea to delete one of them. And please tell me how to modify folder setting of online digital publication.


PUB HTML5 is a total free and leading digital publishing platform in the market. You can easily get start to create online digital publication with creating an account. Anyway, for one thing, PUB HTML5 provides an easy way for user to create new folder for online flipbook; for another, you can customize folder settings quickly as well.



1 Login to Continue

Open PUB HTML5 official website, then login with the account you created. Then you can continue to upload or browse online flipbook, magazine, catalog and brochure.

Customize Folder Settings


2 Select Folder and Customize

Go to homepage and select the folder you need. After that click the settings buttons and continue adding or modifying folder information of digital publication.

Customize Folder Settings


3 Clear or Delete

Anyway, if you want to clear all publications of folder, press middle button to clear all and bin button to delete.



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