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Quesion & Answer

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PubHTML5 > Q & A > How can I view text version of online magazine digital edition?

How can I view text version of online magazine digital edition?

Q: It is awesome to create online flip book digital version by PUB HTML5 digital publishing platform. I would like to know if I could view the text version of online magazine digital edition also?


When your PDF file uploaded on PUB HTML5,it can be easily converted to be realistic page-flipping e-Publications including E-Books, E-Magazines, E-Brochures, E-Catalogs, E-Reports with a fantastic reading experience online. What’s more, it has the function to be showed in text version for SEO free. By customizing the page title, description and keyword, you can add it to your website and blogs to make search engine visible. Here are a few steps to help you view the text version from flip book version of online magazine digital edition.



1 Sign In

Open the website, sign in with your account and enter into the homepage.

How can I view text version of online magazine digital edition?


2 Click "MY PUBS" and Add New Book

Find MY PUBS on the main page, click and enter into it, there you can upload new books into your different folders.

How can I view text version of online magazine digital edition?


3 Enter into "Manage Books" Page

Click the folder, then enter into the manage books page. Select one of your books in the list.

How can I view text version of online magazine digital edition?


4 Click "A" Icon Button

Find the "A" Icon, when the mouse moves to it, "View Text Version" appears. Just click it and new page of text version comes up immediately.

How can I view text version of online magazine digital edition?


How can I view text version of online magazine digital edition?

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