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questions about toolbar setting

PubHTML5 > Q & A > toolbar setting

My boss wants me to add advertising banner to the digital flipbook. But I am in trouble finding the suitable software to assist in my task? I wonder whether I can rely on PUB HTML5.

I know that PUB HTML5 can create wonderful modern digital publications. But because we want to know more about our readers and to improve ourselves, I am specially wish to have a software to create online books and track users’ behavior. Can PUB HTML5 help me?

I have created a digital flipbook by using PUB HTML5. Is there any way which allows me to preview my newly created flipbook before I publish it?

I want to create table of content for my digital flipbook. However, I don't know how to do it and which software I should use. Does PUB HTML5 enable me to do this?

I'm not satisfied with the background image of my digital publication and I want to change it. Can I do this by using PUB HTML5?

I want to make image slideshow button show on toolbar. Can I do it by using PUB HTML5? If yes, how can I do this?

The online page flip eBook will seem to be much more attractive with video gallery on it. I wonder whether I can add video gallery to my page flip book. Is there any tool which can help me do this?

I want to print my page flip book directly. However, I don't know how to print it. Can I do this by using PUB HTML5?

I want to add bookmarks to my flipbook. However, I don't know how to do it. Is there any tool which enables me to do this easily in minutes?

The display area of the publication almost takes up the whole display window, leaving no space in between, which has a negative effect on aesthetics. Besides, this brings the display content to the very end, thus the audience may miss the important content. So could you tell me how to expand the margins?

Can I make the page flipping time shorter so readers don't have to wait too long before they can open and read next page?

After I publish my flipbook online, can my readers download it for offline reading?

I know that your software allows readers to zoom in or zoom out the flipbook, and I don't want the publication to be zoomed out to a very small proportion. So how can I set the minimum width and height of the zoom page?

I want my digital brochure to turn page automatically whenever it is opened. Is there an auto play option to make it play in that way?

Sometimes the content especially text content of the publication is too small for clear and comfortable reading. Is there a way to blow up the page without blurring the content?

What can I do to make the thumbnails button show on the toolbar so when readers click the thumbnails button, they can use the thumbnails to jump to specific page?

I want to add some information to the book so readers can get to know us and they can reach us via the contact info I leave in the book. So can I fill in book information for the book?

I want to make full screen button visible on my digital brochure. However, I don't know how to do it. Is there any way for me to manage it with ease?

I want to write attractive book title and description for my digital flipbook. However, I don't know how to do it. Can I do this by using PUB HTML5?

I want to create QR Code for my flipbook. However, I don't know how to do it. Can I do it by using PUB HTML5?

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