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Quesion & Answer

Aswers to PubHTML5 page flipping book maker
PubHTML5 > Q & A > How to embed online bookcase to web page by PUB HTML5 online publishing platform?

How to embed online bookcase to web page by PUB HTML5 online publishing platform?

Q: I love your bookcase to show my digital publication online. It will be better if I can embed the wonderful bookcase to my web page. It is possible to make it work?


With PUB HTML5, on one hand, you can upload PDF to online publication in minutes; on the other hand, the digital publication can be displayed in your own bookcase exactly. In addition, the online bookcase can be shared to networks and embedded into web page with ease. Now we will show you steps to embed online bookcase to web page as follow:



1 Log in

Above all, you should log in to pub html5 website and then enter into dashboard and continue.

Embed Online Bookcase to Webpage


2 Customize Online Bookcase Settings

Click on "My Bookcase" to see your bookcase. And you can create new bookcase and customize bookcase information here as well. Then press embed icon and continue.

Embed Online Bookcase to Webpage


3 Embed Online Bookcase

Enter into embedding bookcase window and continue to customize size, skin of embedding bookcase. Once you are done, copy the embed code and past it into your HTML file. Now your bookcase can be displayed on your webpage perfectly.



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