I want to make search content feature work. However, I don't know how to manage it. Is there a way for me to do it easily?
I want to make PDF links show on my page flipping book. However, I don't know how to manage it. Is there a way to make PDF link show on page turning digital publication?
There is table of content of my PDF files, and then will the table of content keep in the page turning digital publications after uploading? If it can, please tell me how to make it work around.
I read the introduction on pubhtml5.com. It seems PUB HTML5 support to create digital publication from PDF, MS Office file and images. Anyway, I just have no idea where and how to import office files.
Case 1: The definition of the flipbook page is too low and it's too blur to read the content especially text. How can I improve the page quality and make it clear for easy reading?
Case 2: The file size of the created flipbook is too large and it takes long time to load and open. Is there a way to reduce the file size?
There are blank pages in my PDF document, so I don't want to include these blank pages in my HTML5 flip book, how can I select specific pages to convert to flip book?
I would like to import several PDF files into single html5 page turning publication. And I don’t want to use merger software to merge them. Can pub html5 do that for me?