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Quesion & Answer

Aswers to PubHTML5 page flipping book maker
PubHTML5 > Q & A > Create QR Code for flipbooks with PUB HTML5 digital publishing platform?

Create QR Code for flipbooks with PUB HTML5 digital publishing platform?

Q: I want to create QR Code for my flipbook. However, I don't know how to do it. Can I do it by using PUB HTML5?


PUB HTML5 is a powerful digital publishing platform. With the help of PUB HTML5, you are able to create QR Code for your flipbook without any coding skill. Here I would like to show you some simple steps of creating QR Code for your digital flipbook by using PUB HTML5. The steps can be listed as below:



1 Import and Convert

Launch PUB HTML5 and click the "Online" tab on the top of the interface to select the "Login" option to sign in. Click the "Import File" button to choose a PDF file to open. Then click the "Import Now" button to start the conversion.

Create QR Code for flipbooks with PUB HTML5 digital publishing platform?


2 Custom Settings

Click the "Custom Settings" tab and then select the "Advanced Mode" option below.

Create QR Code for flipbooks with PUB HTML5 digital publishing platform?


3 Tool Bar Settings

Find the "Tool Bar Settings" option and then you can find the "Config" option below. You can enable the QR Code function by selecting the "Show" option in the "Show QR Code" tab.

Create QR Code for flipbooks with PUB HTML5 digital publishing platform?


4 Apply Change

Click the "Apply Change" button after you choose to show QR Code. Then you can view the QR Code after publishing.

Create QR Code for flipbooks with PUB HTML5 digital publishing platform?


Video Tutorial



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