Sometimes the content especially text content of the publication is too small for clear and comfortable reading. Is there a way to blow up the page without blurring the content?
PUB HTML5 provides a solution to zoom in the digital publication page in scale. And this zoom feature employs vector technology, which means the page and content will not be distorted or blurred even if they are magnified by multiple times. Whenever someone clicks on the flipbook window, the book will zoom in; and with another click, it will zoom out to original size. You can customize the Zoom config: minimum zoom width, minimum zoom height and mouse wheel to flip option.
You can follow below steps to configure Zoom settings for your readers to get crystal clear view.
Launch PUB HTML5 software and click "Online" on the top menu to select "Login" in the drop-down list. And in the Login window, login with your account. And if you don't have an account, you can create a new one with your valid email.
Import PDF
After login, click "Import File" to select and import a PDF file for conversion.
Configure Zoom Settings
Now after you are directed to the Design window, click Custom Settings tab and select Advanced Mode. Click "Tool Bar Setting" and then "Config", and you will find "Zoom Config". You can set minimum zoom width and height for the zoom page and you can also select "Yes" for "MouseWheel Flip" option to enable readers to flip page with mouse wheel.
Publish & Zoom
Click "Publish to Local" or "Upload Online" to publish the page turn publication. And you and readers can zoom in or zoom out the publication to get proper page view.
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