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PubHTML5 > Q & A > Can I make digital brochure auto flip on start?

Can I make digital brochure auto flip on start?


I want my digital brochure to turn page automatically whenever it is opened. Is there an auto play option to make it play in that way?


Yes, instead of requiring readers to flip the pages manually with the page turn buttons or arrow keys, PUB HTML5 allows you to publish digital publications that can flip pages automatically. And you can even set Auto Flip on start so when the publication is opened, it will start to play.


And here are some instructions on enabling auto flip on start:


1 Login & Import PDF

Once you start PUB HTML5, click "Online" on the top menu bar and select "Login" to sign in with your account. And next, click "Import File" to select and import a PDF file from your computer.

log into PUB HTML5 to import PDF file


2 Configure Auto Flip

In the Design interface, select "Custom Settings" tab and then select Advanced Mode. And down the custom settings, click "Tool Bar Settings" and then Config, and you will see "Auto Flip" option. Select "Show" to display the "AutoPlay" button on the navigation bar of your digital e-Brochure. Next, select "Yes" to enable "AutoFlip On Start". Besides, you can set time interval and play times for auto flip. And you can even change the icons of Auto Play Start and Stop buttons. At last, click "Apply Change" to save the settings.

configure settings for auto flip


3 Publish & Auto Flip

Click "Publish to Local" or "Upload Online" to publish the brochure and you can test auto flip on start.

publish flipbook and view it in auto flip mode on start


View Video Tutorial

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