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Aswers to PubHTML5 page flipping book maker
PubHTML5 > Q & A > How to change loading settings of online page flip book?

How to change loading settings of online page flip book?


I want to present my readers with a fresh and unique experience while the book is being loaded. How can I customize the loading settings of the online flip book?


With PUB HTML5, you are able to publish amazing digital flipbook with interactive animation very easily. Besides, you can even customize the loading settings of the book to delight your readers: customize loading caption, change caption font color and even add loading picture. Below I will show you how to do this within 3 steps:


1 Import PDF

Run PUB HTML5 and click the "Import File" button to browse and import a PDF file.

import PDF for flipbook conversion


2 Customize Loading Settings

In the next screen, under "Custom Settings" tab, you can see "Loading Settings" section where you can customize loading settings for the flip book. You can change the font color for the loading caption, customize the loading caption and add a loading picture.

customize loading settings for online flipbook

And after you click "Apply Change", you can preview the effect at no once.

preview loading settings for online flipbook


3 Design & Publish

Besides, you can design the flip book with template and a set of custom settings. And after you think the book is unique and amazing enough, click the "Publish to Local" or "Upload Online" on the main toolbar to publish the flip book. And when your readers open your flipbook, they can view the unique loading set by you.

customize and publish html5 flipbook


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