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Quesion & Answer

Aswers to PubHTML5 page flipping book maker
PubHTML5 > Q & A > What actions can I add for inserted objects of digital brochures?

What actions can I add for inserted objects of digital brochures?

Q: It is said that PUB HTML5 enable users to add actions for the inserted objects of digital brochures. Is it true? What kind of actions I can add to my inserted objects?


Yes, it is real that PUB HTML5 allows users to add actions for the inserted objects. PUB HTML5 is the interactive flipping book solution that empowers you to create attractive and animate brochures. There are several actions provided for you, including Open URL, Call Javascript Function, Play Audio, Play Video, Slide Show, Show Information, PayPal Information and Advanced Event. Here, I just take adding slideshow action to an image as an example.


1 Enter into Animation Editor

All animation effect and all actions are set in animation editor. It is easy to open the animation setting interface. You just need to click Animation Editor on the top of the designing interface.

What actions can I add for inserted objects of digital brochures?



2 Insert an image

Click Add Image button and choose one from the two: Add from local and Add from lib.

What actions can I add for inserted objects of digital brochures?


3 Add the particular action

After you insert an image, there are the details setting on the right side. Click Action and you can see several types of action I mentioned before. Select Slide Show and add images. Finally, click Save.

What actions can I add for inserted objects of digital brochures? 4Save the change and apply the change to brochure

Save the change in Animation Editor. Then Apply the change in main interface.

What actions can I add for inserted objects of digital brochures?



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Next: How to modify advanced event for inserted objects with PUB HTML5 online magazine maker?