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Quesion & Answer

Aswers to PubHTML5 page flipping book maker
PubHTML5 > Q & A > How to customize time line of animation objects by PUB HTML5 digital publishing software?

How to customize time line of animation objects by PUB HTML5 digital publishing software?

Q: When I enter the Animation Editor, I find there is a time line at the bottom of the interface. I wonder what role the time line plays and how to customize it.


Yes, there is a time line at the bottom of the editing interface. As you know, PUB HTML5 is the digital publishing software that enables you to create interactive flipping publication with the amazing animation effect. And this time line is designed for you to customize the details of animation objects. You can drag to control the time when the animation take place and fade out. Also, you can add new animation, such as Rotate, Shake and Zoom to the animation objects. Besides it is possible for you to make the layer invisible in Time Line.


1 Add an object

At first, when you enter the Animation Editor, the Time Line is empty. So you should add an object to set animation effect. In the following, I will take adding text as an example.

How to customize time line of animation objects by PUB HTML5 digital publishing software?



2Select animation effect

In the right side, you can see the details settings. Click animate and customize the effect.

How to customize time line of animation objects by PUB HTML5 digital publishing software?


3 Customize Time line

In Time line, it is convenient to control the time of presenting. You can drag to shorten the coming time or extend the out time. Or you can add different effect when it comes up, such as rotating. But in the end, remember to save your setting.

How to customize time line of animation objects by PUB HTML5 digital publishing software?



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