I have published some videos on YouTube, and now I want to add these online YouTube videos to my eBook. Is there a fast way?
In addition to local video files, PUB HTML5 also allows you to embed online videos such as YouTube to your digital publications. You don't need to write any script, all you need to do is input the YouTue video ID to the right place. And below I will show you how to do this:
Login & Import PDF
Start PUB HTML5 application; click "Online" at the top menu and then select "Login" to login with your account. Next, click the "Import File" button to import a PDF file.
Add YouTube Video
After you import the PDF file, you will be directed to the main interface. You can add video to the publication by clicking "Edit Pages" or "Animation Editor".
Add YouTube Video Using Page Editor
After you click the "Edit Pages" icon, you will open Page Editor.
(1) Click the YouTube icon on the toolbar;
(2) Select a page and draw an area for the YouTube video player;
(3) In the properties section, input the video ID of the YouTube video that you want to add.
You can then set a name and adjust the position of the YouTube video player. At last, click "Save and exit" to exit Page Editor and publish your eBook.
Add YouTube Video Using Animation Editor
Once you click the "Animation Editor" icon, you will open Animation Editor.
(1) Select a page and click "Add Video" on the toolbar, and then click the "YouTube" icon to add the video player onto the page;
(2) Click the player and drag the margins to adjust the proportions for the player;
(3) In the properties section, input the YouTube ID and customize settings for the video. At last, click "Save and Exit" to exit to main interface.
Attention: No matter which editor you use to add movie clips or audio files, you are not able to preview them within the program; but only after you publish the digital magazine can you get them play.
Publish & Watch YouTube Video
You can customize the digital magazine with a variety of settings and then publish it to local or upload it to PUB HTML5 Cloud Service.
View Video Tutorial
Next: How to make Vimeo video show on flip page by using digital publishing tools?
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