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Aswers to PubHTML5 page flipping book maker
PubHTML5 > Q & A > How can I create animation buttons for free PDF magazines?

How can I create animation buttons for free PDF magazines?


Rather than plain text with link or static buttons, I would love to add some custom buttons with eye-catching animation. How can I create something like that?


PUB HTML5 offers a flexible option for users to add custom buttons to the page flip magazines. Besides, you can make the button more dynamic by empowering it with animation. It is very easy to operate.


After you login and import a PDF file, click the "Animation Editor" button on the toolbar to open PUB HTML5 Animation Editor.

1 Select Page

In the left thumbnails panel, click to select a page where you want to add the button.


2 Add Button to Page

Click "Add Button" to add the button to the page you selected. And then click to select the button and you can adjust size and position of the button.

add animation button to page flip magazine page


3 Customize Button

Select the button, and in the right Custom panel, you can customize the button with:

1) Properties

In the Properties section, you can change the button name, select a button style, modify caption, customize font settings, border settings, alpha, shadow and so on.

2) Animation

In the Animate section, you can set display time and animation for the button. You can control when and how the button shows and disappears.

3) Action

In the Action section, you can select an action type for the button so when the audience click the button, they can: open URL, call JavaScript function, play audio, play video, play slideshow, show information, etc.

customize animation button

And after all settings are done, click "Save and exit" to exit to the main interface. And you can test the animation button of the free HTML5 online e-Magazine immediately.


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