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Quesion & Answer

Aswers to PubHTML5 page flipping book maker
PubHTML5 > Q & A > Where to customize page quality of HTML5 flipbook?

Where to customize page quality of HTML5 flipbook?


Case 1: The definition of the flipbook page is too low and it's too blur to read the content especially text. How can I improve the page quality and make it clear for easy reading?

Case 2: The file size of the created flipbook is too large and it takes long time to load and open. Is there a way to reduce the file size?


PUB HTML5 allows you to change the page quality of your HTML5 flipbook for various uses. There are 6 levels of page quality: Highest quality largest file size, Higher quality larger file size, High quality large file size, Medium quality medium file size, Low quality small file size and Lower quality smaller file size. You can select page quality according to your needs.

Note: High values produce better page quality but require more disk space and more time to download, and vice versa.


1 Browse & Select PDF file

After you launch PUB HTML5, click "Import File" to open Windows browser and select a PDF file, and click "Open" to open the Import window.

browse PDF file


2 Select Page Quality

In the Import window, you can see "Page Quality and Size" section. Click the Quality button and select a page quality level in the drop-down list. And then click the "Import" button at the bottom right.

customize page quality for flipbook


3 Design & Publish

In the next screen, you are able to design the flip book with template and a set of custom settings. And after you think the book is unique and amazing enough, click the "Publish to Local" or "Upload Online" on the main toolbar to publish the flip book.

customize and publish html5 flipbook


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Next: How to change loading settings of online page turning flip book?