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PubHTML5 > Q & A > Simple method to import table of content with html5 digital publishing software

Simple method to import table of content with html5 digital publishing software

Q: There is table of content of my PDF files, and then will the table of content keep in the page turning digital publications after uploading? If it can, please tell me how to make it work around.


As we know that table of content usually contains the titles or description of first-level headers. Anyway, it can help us have brief knowledge of the file and get the content we need quickly. With PUB HTML5, no worries about missing table of content after uploading to flipbook. Then here is the simple method for you to import table of content of your PDF files to digital publications.



1 Login and Import

Before you import PDF file, you need to login first. And then press "Import File" to select file and import to digital publishing software;

table of content in flipbook



2 Import Table of Content

Move to importing setting section, find out the check box of "Import Table of Content", then tick the checkbox;

table of content in flipbook


3 Convert File to HTML5 FlipBook

Then click "Import Now" to convert file to HTML5 flipbook. After that, you can check your table of table and find the information you need quickly.

table of content in flipbook



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