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Quesion & Answer

Aswers to PubHTML5 page flipping book maker
PubHTML5 > Q & A > How to insert website URL for home button by PUB HTML5 digital magazine software?

How to insert website URL for home button by PUB HTML5 digital magazine software?

Q: I created a digital brochure for my business, and I wonder is there possible for me to make home button show and insert URL for the home button. Please help me on this.


PUB HTML5 is powerful digital publishing software to create interactive digital publications with page turning animation. With PUB HTML5, users can make the function button show on the toolbar or not to decide to forbidden the function on digital publications. Anyway, there is a home button on the toolbar. Users are able to insert URL to the button and jump to the website you need. Here we go.



1 Import File and Login

First of all, login the software and then click "Import File" to import PDF, MS Office or images to digital publication.

insert URL to home button



2 Make Home Button Show

Go to "Custom Settings" section, go to "Advance Mode" and enter "home" on search box to get home button relative functions quickly. And then select "Show" from "HomePage Button Visible" option to make it show on toolbar.

insert URL to home button


3 Insert Home URL

Get "Home URL" option, then type down the URL address you need. By the way, you can customize the home button icon as well.

insert URL to home button


4 Go to the Website

Click "Apply Change" refresh the flipbook and then click home button on the toolbar to check the URL work or not.

insert URL to home button



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