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PubHTML5 > Q & A > How to modify online digital magazine information after uploading?

How to modify online digital magazine information after uploading?


After I publish the digital magazine to PUB HTML5 Cloud, how can I change the publication settings such as HTML meta title and description?


Unlike other digital publishing platforms, PUB HTML5 enables you to modify the settings of the digital magazines even after publishing to PUB HTML5 Cloud Host, which is a big advantage superior to other solutions.



1 Login

Go to PUB HTML5 website and click "Sign in" at the top navigation bar and then input your account and password to login. If you don't have an account yet, you can sign up for a new one.

login to PUB HTML5 online publishing


2 Select Digital Publication

After you login, in the left managing panel, click the folder (under "MY PUBS") in which the digital magazine was published, and select the publication whose settings you are going to modify.

select publication to modify settings


3 Modify Publication Settings

Click the "General Settings" icon and you can change the settings of the HTML5 digital magazine. You can modify title, description, keywords, template, theme, and advanced settings (toolbar settings, button settings, etc). And at last, click "Save And Close" to save the settings.

modify online publication settings


Attention: The above method of modifying publication doesn't allow you to change the multimedia or animation content of the page flip magazine created by the desktop software. If you want to modify the multimedia or animation content, you will need to use the desktop software and you will need to re-upload the publication again.


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