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Quesion & Answer

Aswers to PubHTML5 page flipping book maker
PubHTML5 > Q & A > How to change link down color using animated flipbook publication maker?

How to change link down color using animated flipbook publication maker?


While customizing the flipbook, can I change the background color for the link when the mouse cursor moves over it? And how?


PUB HTML5 enables you to reserve the links of your source PDF file and in the meanwhile, this animated flipbook publication maker provides you with flexible link options, including link down color, link alpha, open window option and link hint.


1 Login

After you start PUB HTML5 flipbook creator, click "Online" on the top menu and select "Login" in the drop-down list. And in the pop-up dialog box, log in with your account.

log into PUB HTML5 with existing account


2 Import PDF File

Click "Import File" and select a PDF from your computer. In the next screen, customize import settings and enable "Import Link" to reserve links of source PDF file, and then click the "Import" button.

import PDF file for flipbook conversion


3 Customize Link Settings

When you go to the main window, select "Custom Settings" tab and click the "Advanced Mode" to switch to advanced setting panel. Click the "+" icon in front of "HTML Control Settings" and you will see the "Link" option; click the "+" icon and you can customize settings for the link. And then click "Apply Change" to save the settings.

customize link settings, change link background color

And then you can preview the change in the Preview window.


4 Publish Animated Flipbook

And after you finish other design settings, click "Publish to Local" to publish the page flip publication to your computer, or click "Upload Online" to upload the brochure to PUBH HTML5 Cloud Host directly.

publish flipbook


View Video Tutorial

Next: Where to sign up and log in PUB HTML5 online publication software?