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PubHTML5 > Q & A > How can I check my PUB HTML5 account information?

How can I check my PUB HTML5 account information?


How can I know which plan my account belong to and how many books I can upload to PUB HTML5 Cloud Host?


PUB HTML5 provides different plans for you to publish HTML5 digital flipbooks: Free, Pro, Gold, Platinum and Enterprise. And according to the plan you choose, the access to PUB HTLM5 features varies. To see what features your account offers, please visit the Pricing Table.


And you can check the information of your account with ease.


1 Launch PUB HTML5

After you install PUB HTML5, click the shortcut icon to launch PUB HTML5.


2 Login with Account

And after you start PUB HTML5, click "Online" at the top menu and select "Login" in the drop-down list, and in the pop-up window, login with your existing account.

login PUB HTML5


3 Check Account Info

When you enter into the main interface, you will see the blue "Administrator" icon at the top right. Click it and you can see your account info in the drop-down panel. The information includes register email, user type (plan), remaining books (that you can upload), uploaded books, etc.

check PUB HTML5 account info


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Next: How to get multi-user accounts of PUB HTML5 Platinum or Enterprise plan?