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Quesion & Answer

Aswers to PubHTML5 page flipping book maker
PubHTML5 > Q & A > Where to manage following with PUB HTML5 self-publishing platform?

Where to manage following with PUB HTML5 self-publishing platform?

Q: No doubt that there may be many users to upload their flip books at PUB HTML5 self-publishing platform. I’ll be very happy to know that if I can follow some users that I’m interested in. If so, where to manage my following?


So pleased to tell you that it will be very easy to add your following and manage it as a user at Since users can completely DIY and create page flip publications online, they are ready to share their own interactive publications through this self-publishing platform to achieve the advertising effect somehow. To make full use of the platform, please go browse and search the books you may feel interested in according to product catalog or language to get as many followings on the platform as possible. Here let’s get an example to present where you can manage your followings with PUB HTML5 self-publishing platform.



1Log in at PUB

Open up the page, if you are our user, please enter your user email and password to login.

Where to manage following with PUB HTML5 self-publishing platform?



2 Move to "Following" Button

You will find the "Following" button on the left of your home page after you log on. You can enter the ”My Following” page by clicking this button.

Where to manage following with PUB HTML5 self-publishing platform?


3 Click "Explore" Button to Add Following

On the "My following" page there is an "Explore" button,click it and then you’ll enter into the "Browse" page where you can find many flip books uploaded by other users. You can select your language and category to search the interested books.

Where to manage following with PUB HTML5 self-publishing platform?


Where to manage following with PUB HTML5 self-publishing platform?


4 Follow the User

After clicking your selected book, user's information will appear under the flip book, there you can find the blue "Follow" button. The user will successfully be your following once you click the button.

Where to manage following with PUB HTML5 self-publishing platform?



5 Enter into "Manage Following" Page

We finished add following in last step, now back to "Following" page and move to "Manage Following", the following you added just now is appeared. Then you can click the following to read more books, what’s more, you can choose to send you updates via email or cancel following.

Where to manage following with PUB HTML5 self-publishing platform?



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Next: How to convert PDF to digital html5 flip book with required pages?

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