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PubHTML5 > Q & A > Want to move the digital brochure to another folder on PUB HTML5 online publishing platform?

Want to move the digital brochure to another folder on PUB HTML5 online publishing platform?

Q: I want to move my digital brochure to another folder on PUB HTML5 online publishing platform. However, I don't know how I can do it. Can you give me some advice of some simple steps?


PUB HTML5 is the most popular and powerful HTML5 digital brochure publishing platform and therefore, you are allowed to create and publish amazing digital brochures with rich media by using PUB HTML5. I would like to show you some simple steps of moving the digital brochure to another folder on PUB HTML5 online publishing platform. The steps can be listed as below:



1 Find the Publication

Login with your account and then find "MY PUBS" tab. Click on the folder and then find the publication you want to move.

Want to move the digital brochure to another folder on PUB HTML5 online publishing platform?


2 Move to another Folder

Click the "Move to Another Folder" button and then you can move the digital publication to another folder you create.

Want to move the digital brochure to another folder on PUB HTML5 online publishing platform?


3 Move and Save

Select a folder to move the publication and then click the "Save" button.

Want to move the digital brochure to another folder on PUB HTML5 online publishing platform?


Video Tutorial



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