Q: If I uploaded some of my favorite books as HTML5 digital brochure online via the PUB MTML5 digital publishing platform, and there is one book among them that I don’t want the others to read it. Is it possible to disable it and how?
PUB HTML5 is the digital publishing platform that allows you to create digital interactive content, including digital magazines, photo albums, catalogs and e-books online. It allows you to manage the materials you have uploaded and make the decision whether they’re available to the others or not after your publishing online. If you want to disable one specific book you have uploaded, there are some buttons on the website page you should pay attention to, and you may just follow some steps below:
Login and Click "Homepage"
Log in with your PubHTML5 account on website, and then move to “Homepage” to continue.

Enter Homepage and Click the Specific Folder
Enter homepage and move to "MY PUBS", then click the below specific folder in which you put the book that would like to disable.

Click the Square Icon Button
Find the book, next to the book cover image there are several buttons. Move to square icon and it shows “Disable This Book”, then click it.

Click "Yes" Button
After click the square icon, a warning box confirmation will appear asking whether you want to disable this book. Click "Yes" button, after processing, the icon turns to be triangle, which means this book is successfully disabled.

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