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Quesion & Answer

Aswers to PubHTML5 page flipping book maker
PubHTML5 > Q & A > How can I embed electronic publication into Wordpress website?

How can I embed electronic publication into Wordpress website?

Q: It seems your digital publication can be embedded into webpage. Then can it embed into Wordpress website as plugin? Please tell me the detail steps if it can be published as Wordpress plugin.


As we know that flipbook plugin is one of the popular ways to design Wordpress website. Then PUB HTML5 is a wonderful flipbook plugin maker to publish page turning flipbook as WordPress plugin. With flipbook plugin, you can beautify your website and attract more attentions from visitors. Here we are going to show you the simple steps to create Wordpress plugin and embed into website.


1 Save Digital Publication as Plugin

Login PUB HTML5 and then press "Publish to local" to continue. Select "Save as Plugin" and then it will bring up plug-in setting windows.

create flipbook plugin for Wordpress


2 Publish WordPress Plug-in

Select "Wordpress Plug-in" and then customize the output settings such as folder name, flipbook width and height and Flipbook title. Click "Publish" to continue.

create flipbook plugin for Wordpress


3 Install FlipBook Plugin

Enter into Wordpress website panel, and then upload and install the flipbook plug-in. Then activate the plugin and then you will see the flipbook plugin in dashboard.

create flipbook plugin for Wordpress


4 Embed into WordPress Website

Click the plugin and copy the shortcode, then create new post and paste the shortcode into anywhere of the post page. Once you publish the post, then the electronic publication will show on your Wordpress webpage.

create flipbook plugin for Wordpress


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Next: Where to add the interactive digital publication to my favorite?